In a confidential settlement for a commercial injury case.
Catastrophic Injury
$19 million
Grant of coverage by insurance company after they refused to acknowledge coverage to a landowner in an environmental litigation matter.
$2 million
Bad faith insurance settlement where the insurance company denied benefits to an individual, forcing him to hire us to obtain benefits wrongfully denied.
Personal Injury / Bad Faith Insurance
$1.6 million+
To the family of a man killed in an automobile collision by a driver operating a vehicle despite a known medical condition.
Wrongful Death
$1.5 million
(Policy limits) for a wrongful death automobile accident that occurred in Vancouver, Washington, involving a drunk driver.
Wrongful Death
Settlement for a young man hit by a drunk driver.
Auto Accident
To a roadway worker who was the victim of a hit and run driver. He sustained several lower body fractures requiring 3 surgeries, including a bone graph.
Auto Accident / Workers Compensation
Awarded to a construction working in a construction site accident in which the client was run over by a negligent operator of a large tractor.
Construction Accident
To the victim of a rollover collision who required revision of his prior cervical spine surgery.
Auto Accident
In medical malpractice case for failure to diagnose.
Medical Malpractice
For victim of a car/motorcycle accident who suffered an aggravation of a dormant, preexisting condition.
Auto Accident
For victim of multi-vehicle collision. Third-party limits apportioned between all claimants with our client receiving $600k. Injuries included, but not limited to, right arm fracture, hip fracture with posterior column acetabular fracture and hip subluxation, chest wall hematoma, contusions and lacerations.
Auto Accident
For a victim of a herniated disc in a motor vehicle accident.
Auto Accident
Total awarded to a construction electrician who was hurt in two different construction site incidents. The first occurred when a fence fell onto him and the second when he slipped and fell in sheetrock mud. He sustained a torn medial meniscus in the knee. Other injuries included back pain, neck pain, and a hernia.
Construction Accident
(Policy limits) for a young man who was injured by the negligence of another in a motorcycle accident. The insurance company claimed to only have a $25,000 policy. After a year of searching, R. Glenn Phillips found a total of $500,000 of insurance to cover the young man’s injuries.
Motorcycle Accident
To a young man who was severely burned when an apartment owner had the water heater set at dangerously hot levels and the victim lowered himself into a scalding bath.
Personal Injury
Verdict in product liability case where a truck driver suffered serious personal injury.
Truck Accident
Confidential settlement in a hospital and doctor medical malpractice case after a patient was administered the wrong amount of anesthesia, resulting in an anoxic episode.
Medical Malpractice
To a man who was injured falling off a ladder at a residence. The ladder had a damaged rung which caused him to fall and sustain leg fractures requiring 3 surgeries.
Slip and Fall
For a traumatic amputation of two fingers when a victim got his hand caught in a tow rope that was under way.
Personal Injury
To a young man injured in an automobile collision who required disc replacement surgery.
Auto Accident
For a young motorcycle driver who was the victim of a hit and run driver. He sustained a complex tibia/fibula fracture requiring corrective surgery with placement of hardware.
Motorcycle Accident
Received by a woman who required a rotator cuff surgery following an automobile collision. She also suffered an exacerbation of preexisting chronic back pain and arthritis in the hands.
Auto Accident
Received by a gentleman who suffered a non-surgical soft tissue injury following an automobile collision.
Auto Accident
Received by a woman who suffered non-surgical soft tissue injuries following a collision in which a semi-truck crossed over into oncoming traffic.
Truck Accident
Received by a woman who suffered non-surgical soft tissue injuries following a collision wherein a semi-truck jack-knifed and entered her lane of travel.
Truck Accident
Awarded to a local artist who suffered chronic soft tissue pain following a motor vehicle accident.
Auto Accident
Judgment in an automobile accident resulting in whiplash (jury verdict, King County).
Auto Accident
Confidential settlement
In a medical malpractice case in which a woman was given a lumbar spine injection in an unclean hospital room, resulting in meningitis and permanent numbness in the plaintiff’s inner thigh area.
Medical Malpractice
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