According to a June 10 Medtronic field safety notice, there is a low likelihood of malfunction in certain cardiac resynchronization therapy pacemakers...
Fourteen patient deaths, occurring between May 1996 and April 2013, have been associated with problems related to the SynchroMed implantable drug pump,...
The analyses of two long-awaited independent reviews of Medtronic Inc.’s Infuse bone growth product were published Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine....
In a special issue of the medical publication, The Spine Journal, nine different spine specialists publicly denied the validity of the studies performed...
Approximately one hundred patients have filed a federal lawsuit against Medtronic, the maker of Infuse Bone Graft and against a spinal surgeon....
In 2002, the FDA approved Medtronic’s Infuse Bone Graft for use in the lumbar spine and for some oral and dental procedures....
When Alan (not his real name) received a cervical spinal fusion two years ago, he never imagined the misery he would go...
In October 2012, damaging testimony in front of US Senate Investigators painted a dismal picture of the medical device industry and put...
On Tuesday, December 11th, 3 men filed federal lawsuits against the medical product manufacturer, Medtronic. They claimed that the company used a...
When the Federal Drug Administration first approved Medtronic Infuse Bone Grafts in 2002, they did so with the limitations that they only...
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